Initially im going find Good Gal alone den suddenly italy and vincent also free to come... Since bern jux back from beijing so sms him San Que Yi again ask if his coming... im earliest again so wait and wait and wait for them to arrive... hahha bern always called me at the wrong time... im toking to Good Gal again den he call say he coming wif 2 frenz... wow today big party sia so many ppl... as usual vincent always last to arrive so ask him to drink again... kaoz this time they so fierce 2 jugs 2 jugs like this order... yea yea play games and target vincent liao... idiot one lose liao dun wan drink pour on the floor... SHIT WASTE MONEY~!!! all drink beer like drink water like dat awhile nia already finish 8 jugs~!!! i go toilet come back another 2 full jugs... siao one... bern went to buy sweet den come back tell me outside fighting again... yawnz always like this... he told me Good Gal outside i dun wan go c ar~!!??? i take some time to process wad he said and went out... bern always will follow me out... so many ppl outside and so many shouting~!!! saw Good Gal dragging ppl away... ohh jux trying to stop ppl from fighting... after awhile police came liao ppl also slowly disperse...
Went back and saw 2 more jugs~!!!! kaoz italy say vincent say ok still can drink den order one.. den stupid vincent came out of toilet say cannot liao and went off... arag already drink so much liao still got... haiz chop chop finish off and left le... ppl also wan to close shop liao dun wan delay too long... in cab tat time cmi liao ask uncle for plastic bag to vomit... dunno y vomit a little onli den feeling super super shack... so suay still got road block den goto put seat belt... hmm cannot rem wad happen to the plastic bag... where did i threw it~!!???